Fresh Summer Salsa

Yes, before you say anything I am bitterly aware that it is not summer. The weather is getting me down, I’m sure a lot of you guys can relate, but instead of moping about with frizzy hair, chapped lips and winter skin that is just so very pale, I am making the sun shine from my kitchen with this summer salsa. It is clean, fresh and full of sunny vibezz.


So you will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes: Fresh, ripe and ready to go, none of this squishy nonsense.
  • Half a white onion and a handful of spring onion (optional)
  • Handful of capers
  • Generous handful of flat leaf parsley
  • Toasted pine nuts
  • Sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds
  • Juice of one lime
  • Olive oil
  • Hazelnut oil / sesame oil
  • Salt and Pepper

Beetroot, Mint & Feneel Dip: Add a Twist of Lime for a Fresh Tangy Taste!

It’s pretty obvious now isn’t it? Chop the tomatoes into quarters, keep the seeds in it’s a much nicer flavour.

Finely chop the onion and spring onion.

Roughly chop the capers, I tend to leave a few whole as I just love the nice little salty burst you get from a whole caper. Roughly chop the parsley, you can use coriander if you prefer.


Place everything in a bowl with the mix of seeds and nuts that you choose. Give a generous twist of salt and pepper followed by the lime juice, a glug of olive oil and a splash of nut oil.


Voila! I love, love, LOVE this salsa with salad, salmon and quinoa. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Happy Eating Brunchers!

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